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Notice that Mr Emmanuel is careful to completely spell out my address, "Apartment 8" here. That was my first clue he was not going to perform an honest investigation into this matter. He had already spoken with Klenke and decided not to act. His letter is a prime example of administrative double-speak for stating that he is not going to do anything about this situation. This letter is purely disingenuous. If Emmanuel had planned to do an honest, proper investigation, he would have asked to meet with my niece and me to discuss our charges further. Instead, he simply says that he will look into it. Only in a second letter from Emmanuel on December 13, 2011, does he confirm that he did nothing to resolve this issue at all. He has simply white-washed and covered it up for his buddy, Klenke. And thus, he is a contributing element to my nephew's and his friends' ongoing substance abuse and other unethical issues at SIUe.

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